Saturday, March 8, 2014

Bloglovin link attempt

Follow "Growing Eden's Natives" with Bloglovin

 Supposedly this will allow people to follow the blog with Bloglovin....  We will at least attempt it...   I can't seem to get comments up and running...  Maybe this will work though....   crossed fingers & wishing may do it....  It doesn't seem like computer savvy has anything to do with it!!


  1. I clicked on No Comments & a comment box appeared.... It is allowing me to type, but it let me do that a few minutes ago also.... but would not complete the process...
    Some mix-up with the select profile feature maybe?... I tried google profile before... this time I'll try anonymous and see if I get published or not....

  2. Okay, Anonymous worked but had a real tough time reading the "prove you are a person" words... trying to type the terribly distorted voice readout was even worse... I'm frustrated, & I'm only trying to set things up.... Now to try google account again... Google worked, but the link to Bloglovin doesn't seem to connect...
